ACATIS launches Asia fund on 11 June 2019

ACATIS QILIN Marco Polo Asien Fonds

In 2030, China will advance from its current second place to become the world's largest economy, which means that it will continue to account for the lion’s share of global economic growth into the foreseeable future -
something that even the tariff policies employed by US President Donald Trump will not be able to change. Today, China already represents over ten percent of global stock market capitalisation. By this measure, Chinese stocks are significantly under-represented in European investment portfolios. With the new ACATIS Qilin Marco Polo Asien Fonds, ACATIS Investment KVG now offers a fund with extensive on-the-ground experience and a local presence that invests in companies that will deliver added value to investors in the coming years.

Read our full press release on the ACATIS QILIN Marco Polo Asia Fund here.

Further information about the fund can be found on the fund page.



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