Value shares: where now?

Dr. Hendrik Leber talking to ChampionsNews, Universal Investment

They are fast, unstoppable and they have their finger on the pulse of new technological developments: digitally driven companies such as AirBNB, Amazon and streaming services such as Spotify are attacking large corporations and enterprises with proven business models and reshuffling the economy. Given the pace at which digitalisation is advancing, the question arises whether Warren Buffett’s value investment style retains its validity today. ACATIS is one of the industry’s fund boutique pioneers that hold fast to Buffett’s strategy. Talking to ChampionsNews, Dr. Hendrik Leber, Managing Partner of ACATIS Investment, explains why the fund boutique continues to focus on value. He also describes how ACATIS deals with the impact of digital transformation within the ACATIS Aktien Global Fonds.

Read the full report here.



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